The Sun Circles of Ireland

Stone Circles CoverDid you know that the current estimate of ancient circles in Ireland is between 45.000 and 50.000?

…making circles on the landscape was central to the social and ceremonial structure of the ancient world. Pre-historic Ireland could be said to have been dominated by a circular consciousness, with circular enclosures marking the most important and sacred places in the landscape.

A circular consciousness is something lost to the world today. In ancient times, what we knew about the world was cyclical.

The wax and wane of the moon, the ebb and flow of the tides, the changing seasons, the cycle of birth and death and rebirth.

In our modern world, we worship a more linear paradigm. The arc of achievement from point A to point B. Now Jack Roberts takes us on a journey to discover what our ancestors knew, but we have forgotten…

The importance of circular consciousness manifested by our ancestors into the heart of our landcsape.

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